On Wednesday September 25th, Propellas > Caramba!Records and Never Trust Cock Rock come together to talk about female networks and their own efforts in this field, during an evening of “Get together – Queer/feminist projects introduce themselfs” at Joseph_ine / Bäckerei Josephstr. 12 LE Lindenau. Beginning 8.oo pm.
One Night Park
On Saturday, September 14th, CFM will perform the One Night Park – an audio-visual project, during the Night of Art at Stadtpflanzer Chausseehaus Leipzig, Delitscher Str.3 Beginning 8.oo pm.
CFM at Barcelounge o8/o9/2o13
In the Sunday evening and maybe after a walk in the park, you can join me at the Barcelounge in Gottschedstraße 12/Leipzig, like every 2nd Sunday per month. Beginning 8.oo pm – I look forward to seeing you!
cfm @ ruhrtriennale opening celebration
On Friday August 23rd, I´ll play at the Ruhrtriennale – Festival of Arts opening and premier party for Heiner Goebbels production of the play “Delusion of the Fury” from composer Harry Partch with the Ensemble musikFabrik, all of whom will play on extraordinary and unique instruments, which are built especially for this occasion. Beginning of the performance 8.oo pm at Jahrhunderthalle Bochum.
CFM @ Raw Chicks r19
On Wednesday August 21st, you can expierience the video/sound-performance LH 412, which is based on flight noises and a live set of CFM`s music during an evening hosted by Raw Chicks at R19 in Berlin, at Revaler Strasse 19. Beginning 21h. I look forward to seeing you! – Thanx Isa for the picture with the cfm aircraft engine!
CFM @ MS DOCKVILLE & barcelona
While back in Leipzig, I´m on a short trip to Hamburg again, to play at the MS DOCKVILLE Vogelball on Saturday, August the 10th. On Sunday August 11th, you can listen to cd-djed music at Barcelona Leipzig starting 8 o´clock in the evening. I look forward to seeing you!
cfm @ golden pudel club Hamburg
Trough a lucky coincidence, I´ll play at the Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg on Tuesday night July 16th, accompanied by Thomas Becker, the host of this evenings series – Memory of Grey. Beginning 23h. I look forward to seeing you!
Francis @ Barcelona 14/o7/2o13
While I´m still in Hamburg, my good friend and other half of our bygone projects E-Sonntag and dj duo Slowrapid – Francis will be at the Barcelounge this Sunday, instead of me. I highly recommend to go there! But if you happen to be in Hamburg – you could join me at the Pudel Club, listen to KREIDLER. Warm greetings!!
Listening Back @ Kapitaldruck
While I´m a Hamburgerin for a while, you can listen to some acustic memories from my visits to NYC in May last year and May 2oo5, during the sound-exhibition “Listening Back” until July 19th at Kapitaldruck Leipzig. Warm Greetings!
A Gift: Die drei phasen zeigen
* DJ_ Thursday June 27th / 2o o´clock_ GfZK_ Reading_ Der Klang der Familie
** Soundartist_ Friday June 28th / 19 o´clock_ Kapitaldruck_ Listening Back
*** DJ_ Saturday June 29th / 14 o´clock_ 2 Years Kapitaldruck_ Happy Anniversary!
I look forward to seeing you!