POV_Point Of View is an istallation of different works made for Puzzle – The Collection Exhibition at GfZK Leipzig, curated by Julia Schaefer. POV is concerned with questions of collecting like in Bestand (Holdings) – how many works from female and male artist are in the collection – Polaroid – the “uniqueness” asks when is art worth collecting and what does it mean – Aerofix 100 S – is there such thing as “female art” and “male art”, do objects have a gender? The clothes dryer is also a little hommage to Rosemarie Trockel – its synonym: “The Trockler”.
POV also captured other artists, whose work is within the collection like O.T. With Rose – Maria Lassnig “Selfportrait with rose” combined with Pippilotti Rist “Ich habe nur Augen für dich” (Pin down Jump up Girl), 4Beats per breath – Michael Sailstorfer “Ground Beat” – As slow as possible – Stefan Knechtl “Metronom” – also referes to John Cage, whose work often challenged the system in place – sometimes even was´nt art for some people.
Picture order: 1 POV – exhibition view / 2 4Beats per Breath / 3 Bestand / 4 Aerofix 100 S / 5 O.T. with Rose / 6 Polaroid / 7 As Slow As Possible (2,3,7 – by Claudia Lindner)